8 from abc
import abstractmethod
10 from importer
import import_markopy
15 @brief Abstract representation of a markov model
16 @implements Markov::API::MarkovPasswords
17 @belongsto Python::Markopy
19 To help with the python-cpp gateway documentation.
30 def Train(dataset: str, seperator : str, threads : int):
34 def Generate(count : int, wordlist : str, minlen : int, maxlen: int, threads : int):
40 @brief Abstract representation of a matrix based model
41 @implements Markov::API::ModelMatrix
42 @belongsto Python::Markopy
44 To help with the python-cpp gateway documentation.
Abstract representation of a markov model.
def Generate(int count, str wordlist, int minlen, int maxlen, int threads)
def Train(str dataset, str seperator, int threads)
Abstract representation of a matrix based model.
def FastRandomWalk(int count, str wordlist, int minlen, int maxlen)
def import_markopy()
import and return markopy module