Utilizing Markov Models for brute forcing attacks
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file markovPasswords.h
2  * @brief Wrapper for Markov::Model to use with char represented models.
3  * @authors Ata Hakçıl, Osman Ömer Yıldıztugay
4  *
5  * This file contains the declerations for Markov::API::MarkovPasswords class.
6  *
7  * @copydoc Markov::API::MarkovPasswords
8  */
10 #pragma once
12 #include "MarkovModel/src/model.h"
15 /** @brief Namespace for the MarkovPasswords API
16 */
17 namespace Markov::API{
19  /** @brief Markov::Model with char represented nodes.
20  *
21  * Includes wrappers for Markov::Model and additional helper functions to handle file I/O
22  *
23  * This class is an extension of Markov::Model<char>, with higher level abstractions such as train and generate.
24  *
25  */
26  class MarkovPasswords : public Markov::Model<char>{
27  public:
29  /** @brief Initialize the markov model from MarkovModel::Markov::Model.
30  *
31  * Parent constructor. Has no extra functionality.
32  */
35  /** @brief Initialize the markov model from MarkovModel::Markov::Model, with an import file.
36  *
37  * This function calls the Markov::Model::Import on the filename to construct the model.
38  * Same thing as creating and empty model, and calling MarkovPasswords::Import on the filename.
39  *
40  * @param filename - Filename to import
41  *
42  *
43  * @b Example @b Use: Construction via filename
44  * @code{.cpp}
45  * MarkovPasswords mp("test.mdl");
46  * @endcode
47  */
48  MarkovPasswords(const char* filename);
50  /** @brief Open dataset file and return the ifstream pointer
51  * @param filename - Filename to open
52  * @return ifstream* to the the dataset file
53  */
54  std::ifstream* OpenDatasetFile(const char* filename);
57  /** @brief Train the model with the dataset file.
58  * @param datasetFileName - Ifstream* to the dataset. If null, use class member
59  * @param delimiter - a character, same as the delimiter in dataset content
60  * @param threads - number of OS threads to spawn
61  *
62  * @code{.cpp}
63  * Markov::API::MarkovPasswords mp;
64  * mp.Import("models/2gram.mdl");
65  * mp.Train("password.corpus");
66  * @endcode
67  */
68  void Train(const char* datasetFileName, char delimiter, int threads);
72  /** @brief Export model to file.
73  * @param filename - Export filename.
74  * @return std::ofstream* of the exported file.
75  */
76  std::ofstream* Save(const char* filename);
78  /** @brief Call Markov::Model::RandomWalk n times, and collect output.
79  *
80  * Generate from model and write results to a file.
81  * a much more performance-optimized method. FastRandomWalk will reduce the runtime by %96.5 on average.
82  *
83  * @deprecated See Markov::API::MatrixModel::FastRandomWalk for more information.
84  * @param n - Number of passwords to generate.
85  * @param wordlistFileName - Filename to write to
86  * @param minLen - Minimum password length to generate
87  * @param maxLen - Maximum password length to generate
88  * @param threads - number of OS threads to spawn
89  */
90  void Generate(unsigned long int n, const char* wordlistFileName, int minLen=6, int maxLen=12, int threads=20);
92  /** @brief Buff expression of some characters in the model
93  * @param str A string containing all the characters to be buffed
94  * @param multiplier A constant value to buff the nodes with.
95  * @param bDontAdjustSelfEdges Do not adjust weights if target node is same as source node
96  * @param bDontAdjustExtendedLoops Do not adjust if both source and target nodes are in first parameter
97  */
98  void Buff(const char* str, double multiplier, bool bDontAdjustSelfLoops=true, bool bDontAdjustExtendedLoops=false);
101  private:
103  /** @brief A single thread invoked by the Train function.
104  * @param listhandler - Listhandler class to read corpus from
105  * @param delimiter - a character, same as the delimiter in dataset content
106  *
107  */
108  void TrainThread(Markov::API::Concurrency::ThreadSharedListHandler *listhandler, char delimiter);
110  /** @brief A single thread invoked by the Generate function.
111  *
112  * @b DEPRECATED: See Markov::API::MatrixModel::FastRandomWalkThread for more information. This has been replaced with
113  * a much more performance-optimized method. FastRandomWalk will reduce the runtime by %96.5 on average.
114  *
115  * @param outputLock - shared mutex lock to lock during output operation. Prevents race condition on write.
116  * @param n number of lines to be generated by this thread
117  * @param wordlist wordlistfile
118  * @param minLen - Minimum password length to generate
119  * @param maxLen - Maximum password length to generate
120  *
121  */
122  void GenerateThread(std::mutex *outputLock, unsigned long int n, std::ofstream *wordlist, int minLen, int maxLen);
123  std::ifstream* datasetFile; /** @brief Dataset file input of our system */
124  std::ofstream* modelSavefile; /** @brief File to save model of our system */
125  std::ofstream* outputFile; /** @brief Generated output file of our system */
126  };
130 };