Utilizing Markov Models for brute forcing attacks
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1 /** @file cudaModelMatrix.h
2  * @brief CUDA accelerated extension of Markov::API::ModelMatrix
3  * @authors Ata Hakçıl
4  *
5  * @copydoc Markov::API::CUDA::CUDAModelMatrix
6  */
8 #include "MarkovAPI/src/modelMatrix.h"
11 /** @brief Namespace for objects requiring CUDA libraries.
12 */
13 namespace Markov::API::CUDA{
14  /** @brief Extension of Markov::API::ModelMatrix which is modified to run on GPU devices.
15  *
16  * This implementation only supports Nvidia devices.
17  * @copydoc Markov::API::ModelMatrix
18  */
20  public:
22  /** @brief Migrate the class members to the VRAM
23  *
24  * Cannot be used without calling Markov::API::ModelMatrix::ConstructMatrix at least once.
25  * This function will manage the memory allocation and data transfer from CPU RAM to GPU VRAM.
26  *
27  * Newly allocated VRAM pointers are set in the class member variables.
28  *
29  */
30  __host__ void MigrateMatrix();
32  /** @brief Flatten migrated matrix from 2d to 1d
33  *
34  *
35  */
36  __host__ void FlattenMatrix();
38  /** @brief Random walk on the Matrix-reduced Markov::Model
39  *
40  * TODO
41  *
42  *
43  * @param n - Number of passwords to generate.
44  * @param wordlistFileName - Filename to write to
45  * @param minLen - Minimum password length to generate
46  * @param maxLen - Maximum password length to generate
47  * @param threads - number of OS threads to spawn
48  * @param bFileIO - If false, filename will be ignored and will output to stdout.
49  *
50  *
51  * @code{.cpp}
52  * Markov::API::ModelMatrix mp;
53  * mp.Import("models/finished.mdl");
54  * mp.FastRandomWalk(50000000,"./wordlist.txt",6,12,25, true);
55  * @endcode
56  *
57  */
58  __host__ void FastRandomWalk(unsigned long int n, const char* wordlistFileName, int minLen, int maxLen, bool bFileIO, bool bInfinite);
60  protected:
62  /** @brief Allocate the output buffer for kernel operation
63  *
64  * TODO
65  *
66  *
67  * @param n - Number of passwords to generate.
68  * @param singleGenMaxLen - maximum string length for a single generation
69  * @param CUDAKernelGridSize - Total number of grid members in CUDA kernel
70  * @param sizePerGrid - Size to allocate per grid member
71  * @return pointer to the allocation on VRAM
72  *
73  *
74  */
75  __host__ char* AllocVRAMOutputBuffer(long int n, long int singleGenMaxLen, long int CUDAKernelGridSize,long int sizePerGrid);
77  __host__ void LaunchAsyncKernel(int kernelID, int minLen, int maxLen);
83  private:
85  /**
86  @brief VRAM Address pointer of edge matrix (from modelMatrix.h)
87  */
90  /**
91  @brief VRAM Address pointer of value matrix (from modelMatrix.h)
92  */
93  long int *device_valueMatrix;
95  /**
96  @brief VRAM Address pointer of matrixIndex (from modelMatrix.h)
97  */
100  /**
101  @brief VRAM Address pointer of total edge weights (from modelMatrix.h)
102  */
105  /**
106  @brief RandomWalk results in device
107  */
110  /**
111  @brief RandomWalk results in host
112  */
113  char** outputBuffer;
115  /**
116  @brief Adding Edge matrix end-to-end and resize to 1-D array for better perfomance on traversing
117  */
120  /**
121  @brief Adding Value matrix end-to-end and resize to 1-D array for better perfomance on traversing
122  */
123  long int* flatValueMatrix;
137  unsigned long** device_seeds;
141  };
143  /** @brief CUDA kernel for the FastRandomWalk operation
144  *
145  * Will be initiated by CPU and continued by GPU (__global__ tag)
146  *
147  *
148  * @param n - Number of passwords to generate.
149  * @param minlen - minimum string length for a single generation
150  * @param maxLen - maximum string length for a single generation
151  * @param outputBuffer - VRAM ptr to the output buffer
152  * @param matrixIndex - VRAM ptr to the matrix indices
153  * @param totalEdgeWeights - VRAM ptr to the totalEdgeWeights array
154  * @param valueMatrix - VRAM ptr to the edge weights array
155  * @param edgeMatrix - VRAM ptr to the edge representations array
156  * @param matrixSize - Size of the matrix dimensions
157  * @param memoryPerKernelGrid - Maximum memory usage per kernel grid
158  * @param seed - seed chunk to generate the random from (generated & used by Marsaglia)
159  *
160  *
161  *
162  */
163  __global__ void FastRandomWalkCUDAKernel(unsigned long int n, int minLen, int maxLen, char* outputBuffer,
164  char* matrixIndex, long int* totalEdgeWeights, long int* valueMatrix, char *edgeMatrix,
165  int matrixSize, int memoryPerKernelGrid, unsigned long *seed);//, unsigned long mex, unsigned long mey, unsigned long mez);
168  /** @brief srtchr implementation on __device__ space
169  *
170  * Fint the first matching index of a string
171  *
172  *
173  * @param p - string to check
174  * @param c - character to match
175  * @param s_len - maximum string length
176  * @returns pointer to the match
177  */
178  __device__ char* strchr(char* p, char c, int s_len);
180 };